Happy endings

From abandonment to... happiness!

Happy endings are stories about lucky strays that found their forever families. Discover their wonderful journey from abandonment to happiness!

Happy endings


Panda had come when he was an infant, when he had just opened his eyes, along with his nine siblings. He was at first a pitch-black ball with hair, and as he grew older he became a bigger pitch-black ball with hair, and a white tie began to form on his chest.

He had no tail, he was born without one, and so was one of his sisters.

When the puppies arrived at three months old, he was the ugliest... Ok, no dog is ugly, but compared to the others it was the most indifferent in appearance, even though he was the best.

From a baby he was already running and catching the ball, taking it in his mouth, and he only needed one day of training to learn to bring it back and place it on your feet. He was an incredibly communicative puppy, and continues to be an incredibly communicative dog. A teenage dog. Growing up, not only did his character emerge, but he also became incredibly hadnsome. 

Even though when he was a puppy, he was just an indifferent black dog, as he grew up he became an incredibly impressive dog, like a black wolf with a toddler's soul.

He still plays like a child, loves human company, and dog company, and most importantly, he communicates. He communicates and tries to cooperate, and he is an amazing creature.

He left the shelter only for a week in April, stayed in a house with the prospect of adoption, and unfortunately returned, not for reasons that had to do with his behavior, but with others that we do not want to mention. The family returned him in tears, and told us that he is an excellent dog.

That's what we keep from that failed adoption, and for this excellent dog, we want to do our best. He is not even one year old yet, he's actually still a child, and we want him to leave the shelter, and grow up in his forever home.





Boris has the character that the vast majority of Setters have.

And as much as we don't want to discriminate, because all dogs are dogs, each with their own character, personality and psyche, setters have a reputation for being incredibly tender because they are indeed.

Boris came ematiated and sick, and from day one his character appeared. Now that he has recovered we can finally see only that, his amazing character.

He is a very tender creature, who sits in a hug, who puts his head in your hands and leaves it there, who loves you with delicatly and discreetly with a tenderness that is incredible. He is a patient, social and loving dog, ready for his forever home.



What we see as beautiful, for nature is obviously accidental. One of the countless color combinations that exist, happened to look ideal in this puppy. 

It happened that the colors were completely symmetrical, the orange happened to be "very orange", as if it was a fake, the white to be devoured like snow, and the dark brown as if the painter wanted to give some earthy touches.

As if that weren't enough, Bailey is ALSO soft as cotton. You want to put your face in his fur, stay there and inhale babysitters, puppies. In addition to all this, it is a puppy like all puppies, and has the same needs that all dogs have. He is looking for a home to beautify it, and fill it with white-red velvet tufts.