Macarena is one of those dogs whose psyche is as follows: "when I don't understand what is happening, I will stay still like a rock and fall down showing my belly and at the same time looking at me with puppy eyes".

That's how he reacted when he first came to us. One day she opened up, wagged her tail, went out for a walk, and began to rejoice not only from stillness with her wonderful look, but also normally.

She was so malleable at first and so open to learning that her change came from one moment to the next, and the dog that didn't walk became the dog that walks, communicates and rejoices.

She is a little girl submissive in character, very sweet, who has that look that melts you, the pleading, with the expressive eyes that make you understand how the most powerful weapon of dogs evolutionarily is this. Their look is like a thousand words.

It is a dog that even if it is afraid trusts, and you can shape it like dough, as long as you are in the mood and the right way.